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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Year 1 returning Thursday 18th June 2020

Hello everyone,


Our wider opening to Y6 has gone really well this week and has been as close to seamless as I could have wished for. As things have gone so well, the senior leadership team and I have decided to bring forward the date for when we welcome back our Y1 children to the Thursday 18th June. All the plans are in place to make that a success and have been agreed with the trust. Mrs Flowers is in the process of ringing those parents affected.


If your child has been in school this week, Mrs Flowers will only ring you if your child's times have changed for next week (most have not).


Can I assure you that, as we have done with the return of our Y6 children, we will constantly review our procedures to ensure all our children, and staff, are as safe as possible.


Have a great weekend.

