British Values
In 2011, the government defined British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We regularly promote these values through our own school values, curriculum, collective worship and wide range of enrichment activities.
We actively promote this value by:
- Transform Trust Children’s Parliament
- School Council elections
- Pupil leadership opportunities
- Collective worship
- PSHE curriculum
- History curriculum
- Pupil voice
- Pupil involvement in selection and recruitment of staff
- Engagement from MPs and local councillors
The Rule of Law
We actively promote this value by:
- Whole school rules
- PSHE curriculum
- DART project
- Collective worship
- Restorative Justice
- Road safety quiz
- Home school agreement
Individual Liberty
We actively promote this value by:
- Reading curriculum - choice of texts available
- Celebration assemblies – celebrating inclusion and differences
- Identity curriculum theme
- Curriculum diversity and representation
- PSHE curriculum
- School council
- Freedom of choice in continuous provision
- Inspirational speakers/workshops from range of backgrounds
Mutual Respect
We actively promote this value by:
- Transform Trust values
- School rules
- Pupil leadership
- Mental Health support - Place2Be
- PSHE curriculum
- Celebrating cultural diversity - fabulous families day
- Reading spines
- Community Action Week
- Visitors representing other faiths and relationships
- Equality reporting to Transform
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We actively promote this value by:
- Reading curriculum
- Curriculum overview
- Celebration of festivals
- R.E curriculum
- Collective worship
- PSHE curriculum
- Visits to different places of worship
- Visitors to school
- Celebrating cultural diversity - fabulous families day
- Equality reporting to Transform