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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

School Uniform

It is our school policy that all children wear uniform when attending school.  School uniform is practical, smart and cost effective.  It identifies children to the school and makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance. Below is a complete list of Burford’s school uniform expectations:


Every day wear:

  • Red polo shirt                        
  • Royal blue jumper or cardigan
  • Black trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Red or blue gingham dress or skirt (summer term)
  • Black shoes



  • White t-shirt or red polo shirt
  • Black shorts, leggings or joggers
  • Trainers or pumps


P.E. often happens outside, so please ensure that outfits are seasonally appropriate. 


SHOES: Comfort is important. Children are invited to wear black shoes, trainers or boots based on their preference. However, footwear needs to be completely black to align with policy expectations. Crocs, sliders, sandals etc. are not appropriate for school.


LOGOS: It is parental choice whether or not they purchase school uniform with logos. If you would like logo uniform it can be purchased via School Gateway or Just Schoolwear on the High Street in Arnold (  Equally, most supermarkets offer good uniform options.


PRELOVED UNIFORM: There is a good selection of preloved uniform in school reception. All items can be obtained for a school donation of: £2.00 for coats, £1.00 for clothes with a logo and 50p for clothes without a logo.  When sorting out your child’s old uniform, please consider donating any good quality items to our preloved rail. 


JEWELLERY: Children should NOT wear jewellery to school. If a child has their ears pierced, they are to wear studs only. Children who come to school wearing jewellery (necklaces, bracelets or long earrings) will be asked to remove it. We would appreciate parental support with this as jewellery poses a health and safety issue.


Please ensure all uniform (including coats) are labelled with your child’s name.

Just Schoolwear Flyer - March 2021
