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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

What to do if a member of your household has symptoms of Coronavirus

Morning everyone,


I received updated guidance earlier today, as follows:


'Anyone who is symptomatic, and their household members, must stay at home until they can get a test/have the result – only leaving home for the test.'


So, if anyone in your household has any of the three Covid symptoms (dry, persistent cough; temperature over  37.8 degrees or loss of taste or smell) you must stay at home (please give us a ring so we know) until your test results are known (please tell us whether they are positive or negative). To access a test, either ring 119 or google 'Online coronavirus test booking service.'


Should you be unsure, please contact school and we will help with any questions you have.


Mr Farrington
