Morning all,
Time seems to be flying away with itself at the moment. This time of year is always hectic but it seems far more so at the more with so many children, and staff, isolating. at the moment.
There a few things I want to announce/remind you of. As many of you know, we have a few colleagues leaving us at the end of this year. Mrs Knowles and Mrs Dickson are both moving on to new challenges at a different school. They will be greatly missed and I am grateful to both of them for their service to Burford. This is especially the case with Mrs Knowles who has been at Burford for an eye watering 28 years.
It is so sad but both Mrs Knowles and Mrs Dickson are currently self isolating and will not now return to Burford before the end of term.
Mrs Nauta Parsons has been a trainee teacher at Burford for the past year. She has successfully gained a teaching post at a local school. She is popping into Y2 to say a safe, and socially distanced, goodbye to Y2 tomorrow.
Ms Nelson is also leaving our dinner team to take up a different post at a local school.
I am sure you will join me in wishing all these colleagues the very best of luck in their new posts.
As you will have seen from the staff list I sent round recently, we have the following new starters in September:
Miss Spencer - F1 teacher
Mrs Moore - TA
Mr Stanley - Y5 teacher
I am sure you will warmly welcome them to 'Team Burford.'
We will release end of year video reports for all children tomorrow. They will replace written reports. I have watched a sample from each class and I am sure you, and your children, will love watching them together. We will gather your views on the new format in September. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Best wishes,
Mr Farrington