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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Update on Covid-19 - what to do if a school 'bubble' has to self-isolate

Afternoon everyone,

I want to make you aware of an eventuality that I hope does not come to pass but fear may. If a child, or staff member, tests positive in a year group bubble it is likely that bubble will close for 14 days. If that were to happen, the children in that year would have to stay at home even if they did not have symptoms. However, their siblings would still be able to come to school.

I mention this so parents with children in multiple year groups can start to make plans for how to get younger siblings to school in the event of a year group closure.

Let me use an example to illustrate. If year 1 closed, and your child was not the one who tested positive, they would still have to self isolate. If you had a child in nursery, they could still come to school. You would not, however, be able to bring your Year 1 child with you when you dropped off and picked up. I hope now you can see where some difficulties could arise.

It would be worth talking to friends and families now to see if you could help each other out.

Mr Farrington
