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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

School Reports 2020

Morning everyone,

Class teachers have written end of year school reports for all children in school. These reports cover the first two terms of the academic year. Similarly, the attendance percentage runs from September till lock down.

To avoid unnecessary contact, and so ensure everyone's safety, most reports will be emailed to parents. They will be password protected. You will be given guidance on how to open your report in the email you receive. Mrs Flowers will start to email reports today but, as you can imagine, this is a big job and will take a little while. She will send a text to all parents when the last report has been sent. Please contact her after that should you not have received your child's report.

We know some people will not have an email address or internet connectivity. Mrs Flowers will contact these parents direct and organise collection of paper copies.

After reading your child's report, should you have any comments please contact your child's teacher through their class dojo page. If this is not possible, please ring school and a message will be passed to your child's teacher.

Best wishes,

Mr Farrington
