My COVID update
Morning all,
I thought I would update you with my COVID news. My youngest daughter tested positive yesterday. She is slightly unwell but would, in normal circumstances, be well enough to be at school. According to the current guidelines, this has no impact on my return to school on Friday. However, I am concerned about the risk I pose to the children, staff and wider families. In light of this, I have decided that it is best that I work from home on Friday. This has been a difficult decision to make because I want to be in school, especially on the last day of term. However, my biggest concern is safety. I would hate to infect a child or staff member at any time but especially at the beginning of the summer holidays. As this is easily avoidable, I have decided that it is safer for everyone if I extend my isolation by one more day.
I intend to Zoom in for the Y6 Leavers Evening.
Best wishes,
Mr Farrington