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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Inset dates for 2021/22

Afternoon all,


As always, I am keen to give you as much notice as possible about forthcoming inset days. We have planned our first two, plus I have details about a trust wide inset day. They are:


Tuesday 31st August and Wednesday 1st September. This means the children will return to school on Thursday 2nd September.


Friday 17th September - trust wide inset.


I hope this notice gives you plenty of time to plan for child care. There will be one further school based inset day during 2021/22. We have not scheduled that yet but will give you as much notice as possible. Similarly, there may also be another trust inset. I will be in contact as soon as that is confirmed.


I am keen to front load staff training to the beginning of the year so your children get the benefit for the rest of the year.


Best wishes,


Mr Farrington 

