Further update from Mr Farrington regarding plans for re-opening on 1st June.
I am keen to keep you up to date with developments regarding plans for re-opening on 1st June. As I mentioned in recently, school will post a film outlining how we aim to re-open school as safely as possible. This film will be posted tomorrow on Dojo and the school website. Please watch the film and start to make a decision about whether you will be sending your child back to school. This decision is pressing if your child is in F1 (Mrs Dickson's class), F2 (Miss Ashurst), Year 1 (Mrs Fortescue) and Year 6 (Ms Chapleo). These teachers will be ringing all the parents of the children in their class on Wednesday. They will ask for a firm decision from you. We need a clear yes or no to allow us to plan for groupings. If you say no, that is fine and you can change your mind but we will need some notice before your child can return to school (by 11am on the Wednesday before your child can start the following Monday). The simple reason for this is safety - your children will be taught in much smaller groups than normal and they will not be allowed to mix with children in any other group. This is far from ideal but we have no choice at the present time.
The teachers will keep ringing you until they get an answer but please make it easier for them by having your phone on. The cut off point, though, will by 17.00 on Wednesday 20th May. If we have been unable to contact you by this point, your child will not be able to access a school place in the first week of their class's return to school.
I know this sounds very strict but I do hope you understand the reasons behind this approach.
As children will be taught in small groups of no more than ten, and not mix with any child from another group so we minimise the risk of C19 spreading, we will be unable to offer Breakfast and After school club for the time being. I appreciate this will make life harder for many of you and this is something I regret. However, the safety of our children and staff has to be our number one priority. We will, of course, regularly review this and hope to open both clubs as soon as it is safe to do so.
I know this is a lot to take in. Please take some time to think things through and please discuss any issues you have with your child's teacher when they ring on Wednesday.
Take care,
Mr Farrington