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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Friday PPA Time for teachers

Hello everyone,

What a wet and grey day! Hello, Storm Christoph!

Now that our home-learning curriculum is up and running, we would like to make some small tweaks to support our teachers to deliver the best possible learning opportunities for your children.


💻 If you need tech' support moving forward, please contact our school office in the first instance, as teachers are now focusing upon teaching their remote classes.

🤔 If you need help with lessons, though, our teachers are ready and raring to go!

Each class teacher should have made you aware of their feedback hour. Teachers spend all day creating their Seesaw lessons {that means A LOT of screen time for them!}, but they reserve one hour each day to acknowledge the FAB work their class are producing - either by 'loving' their post, commenting, leaving a verbal comment, or taking screenshots to share in the next day's lesson.
⭐ If you are not aware of when your child's class teacher's feedback hour is and would like more information, please ask them! ⭐


🚨 On a Friday, we are scheduling Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time for our teachers. 🚨

This enables them to plan ahead for the following week and to work on their own professional development by accessing training opportunities.

Therefore, 📣 FRIDAY SHOUT OUTS 📣 will happen by midday on Friday and teachers will not be available to families on Friday afternoons.

If your child produces work after midday on Friday, this will not be responded to until the following working week. But, please don't worry, teachers will see it! Lessons on a Friday may also be slightly 'lighter' than the thorough multiple-slide, multiple-recordings lessons we normally post Monday - Thursday (e.g. fitness blasts, arithmetic practise...)

Thanks, everyone!