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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Arrangements for returning to school on the 8th March

Hi everyone,

I hope you, and your children, are looking forward to returning to school on the 8th March. As promised, I have detailed the arrangements below for you. As you will see, very little has changed since before lockdown:

Arrival and Dismissal Times

 Class                       Arrival           Dismissal       Gate

Nursery (F1)         8:45              14:45            Gate C

Reception (F2)     8:45              14:45            Gate B

Year 1                      9:00              15:00            Gate B

Year 2                      9:15              15:15            Gate B

Year 3                      9:15              15:15            Gate C

Year 4                      8:45              14:45            Gate A

Year 5                      9:00              15:00            Gate A

Year 6                      9:15              15:15            Gate A

 Gate A: Lower entrance, Oxclose Lane

Gate B: Main entrance, Oxclose Lane

Gate C: Field entrance


Please drop off 5 minutes before the stated start time and at the specified gate in order to respect social distancing.

Pre-agreed arrangements for siblings from pre lockdown remain in place.

Breakfast and After School Club

The school will be following government guidelines that state that ‘wrap around’ care should only be provided on a limited basis. The reason for that is the risk these clubs pose because of children mixing from different classes. That means we will only be able to offer places to Breakfast and After school clubs to the children of key workers for the time being. We will regularly review this arrangement and relax it as soon as it is safe to do so.  

New entrants to  F1 (nursery)

These children will join us from the 15th March. Details will be shared directly with parents in due course.


If you have any questions about re-opening could you either contact your class teacher, via Class Dojo, or ring the school office on 0115 9151560.

Best wishes,

Mr Farrington

