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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Adults in school wearing face coverings and adhering to the 2 metre distancing

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all keeping happy and healthy.

As you know, our number 1 priority at Burford has been, and continues to be, keeping everyone as safe and healthy as possible. So far, all of our bubbles remain open - and we have almost reached half term!

Thank you to you all for helping us to maintain our health and safety procedures. It has been a joy to see so many happy faces enjoying being back at school.

We just wanted to update you on some slight tweaks that we are making to how adults in school conduct themselves so that you are not alarmed when you see us wearing face masks.

We are keen to learn and refine what we are doing as we move forward, and wish to adopt the same approach as other schools in the Transform network.

It is very rare that we admit any visitors into school at all, but, on these rare occasions (e.g. special needs consultations or emergency work on our school boilers), they will be required to follow our school policies.

We would also appreciate it if adults waiting for children at drop off and pick up could wear masks and keep 2m apart. (Please bear in mind that some people cannot wear face coverings due to invisible difficulties).

We want to ensure that we maintain a GOLD STANDARD when it comes to health and safety, which will mean that all of our bubbles stay open and we can continue to learn together.
