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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve


Please click here to watch our guide to our curriculum design! 

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Our Burford Primary School motto is: 'ATTEND, ASPIRE, ACHIEVE.'


  • Our children ATTEND school every day because they look forward to learning! Every child wants to be an Attendance Hero!


  • We have worked hard to develop a curriculum throughout school which is engaging, enabling, motivating and challenging. We are on a journey to be as inclusive and equitable as a school possible so that everyone feels that they belong, can try their best, make mistakes and learn from them. We help everyone to ACHIEVE high standards so that we can be ASPIRATIONAL now and about our futures.


At Burford, we want to change the world and make a positive difference!

We don't see why that needs to wait until we're older, so we're starting NOW!

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We are a community of children, parents/carers, staff, governors, and neighbours who challenge and support each other to grow and flourish.


Our mission is to provide a safe space for our children to develop:

  • a life- long love of learning
  • a lively curiosity for the world around them
  • a sense of community and the valuable role that they can play within it
  • the self-confidence and bravery to stand up for what is right; to look after each other and the natural world
  • to live life to its fullness


Our curriculum intent:

At Burford Primary and Nursery School, there is equal ambition for all pupils to learn and achieve. Our curriculum equips children with powerful knowledge and skills. It is focussed on ‘knowing more and remembering more’ and is rooted within our locality and community, whilst also teaching our children about the meaningful role that they can play as global citizens.  It is our intention to equip our children to be ready for their next stage of education, life in our community, and in our modern, connected world.


We will enable this to happen by:

  • implementing a varied and relevant curriculum that inspires, challenges and enables
  • broadening our children's cultural capital by investing in a diet of motivating hooks, trips, visitors and clubs
  • collaborating with local and international charities so that children feel that they make a difference now
  • weaving a robust offer of frequent physical activity, music, science and art through our weekly timetable
  • implementing a curriculum that is knowledge and skills based, and allows our pupils to know more and remember more as they journey through school
  • providing and promoting a love of reading which provides windows, mirrors and doors, and in turn enriches our pupils' vocabulary
  • ensuring our shared values become a golden thread through everything that we do
  • sharing daily collective worship that promotes British Values, educates about the Protected Characteristics, and celebrates equity and diversity
  • explicitly challenging stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination through meaningful projects and spotlighting inspirational role models
  • promoting a love of, and responsibility for, the natural world by participating in current environmental campaigns
  • looking after the wellbeing of our children and adult teams, and safeguarding their mental health
  • providing high quality teaching that meets the needs of all pupils
  • investing in CPD which ensures we remain effective and innovative practitioners