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Burford Primary and Nursery School

Attend, Aspire, Achieve

Class timetables

We teach to a 32.5hr week, with days beginning at 9am and ending and 3.30pm.


The timetables below are approximate guides to when different subject disciplines will be taught throughout the week. These timetables are, however, subject to change as our teachers respond to the learning needs and enthusiasms of their class, and we have different project drivers at different points in the year (e.g. Art is taught during some projects whereas D.T. taught in others).


Lessons are adapted and refocused in response to successes and challenges so that learning opportunities are tailored to each cohort's point of learning, and therefore our children's knowledge and understanding is progressed at an appropriate pace. Timetables are sometimes adjusted to provide pre-teaches and post-teaches, for example.


Lessons are sequenced logically so that procedural and disciplinary knowledge is developed in a sensible, progressive sequence. Learning across all subjects is linked and builds to develop the project as a whole to: create meaningful, purposeful contexts for learning; and provide varied and meaningful opportunities to apply knowledge and skills authentic audiences. Learning sequences are also adapted so that background knowledge and application opportunities happen in a purposeful order.  (For example, during some weeks geography lessons will proceed history lessons if locational knowledge is required to help us to unpick historical issues; sometimes P.E. lessons proceed Science lessons which explore the physical impact of exercise on the body). 


We also have some theme days (such as 'Worry Day') and theme weeks throughout the year when we go 'off timetable' and block learning (such as 'Keeping Healthy & Staying Safe Week').


The most up to date class timetables are always shared with families via Class Dojo at the start of each new project so that you are aware of what the children are learning and when, and when they will need resources (such as their Forest School and P.E. kit).


